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Sense of Place

Sense of place. A strong identity deeply felt by inhabitants and visitors. 

As a company of actors, we feel a sense of place onstage, when performing, rehearsing, creating and watching theatre. Whilst it can be challenging, exposing and full of risk, it always feels like coming home, like the centre of your Self has hunkered down with a cup of tea. Watching theatre can create a sense of place too, but it can also create a feeling of 'placelessness', that unsettled and uncomfortable feeling that can lead you to ask questions of yourself and the world around you. 

We aim to produce theatre that creates a sense of place for our audiences. Be it to believe in and enjoy inhabiting the world we have imagined, connecting emotionally or intellectually with the work we have created, or in some cases, feeling that lack of a sense of place, with placelessness encouraging questions and reflection

We aim to work with emerging actors and creatives, giving the opportunity to find their own sense of place within our exciting and competitive industry. 


"This fringe production punches well above it's weight and unequivocally deserves a bigger audience" **** Peter McCrohon @Remotegoat

"The creative team behind The Frontier Trilogy have pulled it off spectacularly well, creating a world that is both rich and vibrant" *** Alex Hayward @pubtheatres1

A sense of Place. "Space that is an integral part and an extension of the natural world around it, yet reveals the individuality of those who reside there and allows people to interact meaningfully to create a deep sense of belonging."

Marilyn Finnemore
Importance of Place

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